1,300,000 owners, employees or family members of partner restaurants also glued grade on Tuesday (4.FEV.2025)
IFood celebrated in the 3rd Fair (4.FEV.2025), the graduation of high school of about 3,700 deliveryrs referring to the program offered by the company. In addition to the delivery, 1.300 owners, employees or relatives of partner restaurants stood in the celebration.
The graduates represent 2,6% of the registrants for the (National Examination for Certification of Youth and Adult Competences) Throughout Brazil in the last edition of the race.
Created in 2022, my high school diploma offers a preparatory scholarship in partnership with the platform specializing in the preparation for the Encceja.
In its 4th edition, the program will offer 35,000 full study scholarships for delivery, owners and staff of establishments in the application and their families.
Those approved in the Encceja through the program receive the certificate of completion of high school issued by the Departments of Education and Federal Institutes, in accordance with the guidelines of (National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira).