Rodrigo Antunes / EPA
Or Príncipe is Kan IV
Prince Karim al-Hussainini, now Aga Khan, leader of the Shiite Muslims Ismailis and founder and president of Aga Khan for Development Network, said the foundation on its website The “prince without kingdom” was 88 years old.
“His Highness the Prince Karim Al-Hussa this49th IMAM HEREDITARY OF ISMAELITES SHORTS AND direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammadhe died peacefully in Lisbon, on February 4, 2025, at the age of 88, surrounded by his family, ”said Aga Khan for Development (AKDN) in a publication in his own.
“O Príncipe karim aga khan (May peace be with him), was the founder and president of the Khan AGA Development Network, ”adds the foundation. “The leaders and the Khan AGA network for development present our condolences to the family of their Highness and the Ismaelite community around the world.”
“When we honor the legacy of our founder, Prince Karim Aga Khan, we continue to work with our partners to improve the quality of life of individuals and communities around the world, as he desired, regardless of their religious affiliations or origins .
“O advertising of your designated successor It will be done next, ”concludes the note, which does not detail the causes of the death of Prince Ismaili.
His Highness Prince Karim Al-Hussaini, Aga Khan IV, 49th hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims and direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), passed away peacefully in Lisbon on 4 February 2025, aged 88, surrounded by his family. Prince Karim Aga Khan…
– Aga Khan Development Network (@akdn)
At 20, Aga Khan IV inherited the reins of a Shiite Muslim lineage And he used his entrepreneurial spirit to become one of the richest hereditary rulers in the world.
Leader of Ismaelite Muslims from around the worldmerged entrepreneurship and philanthropy to become One of the richest hereditary rulers in the worldremember The New York Times
Urban, cosmopolitan and often reverse To the media, he rejected the idea that the expansion of his personal fortune could conflict with his charitable enterprises, stating that his ability to prosper complemented their duty to improve the lives of Muslims Ismaelites, a branch of the Shiite tradition of Islam with 15 million followers in 35 countries.
“A magnet, or leader of your faith, is not expected to withdraw Of everyday life, ”he said once after becoming the Khan Aga. “On the contrary, it is expected to protect your community and contribute to your quality of life. Therefore, the notion of division between faith and the world is foreign to Islam. ”
Its projects included the development of the Esmeralda Costa Balnear Zone, on Sardenha Island, Creation of purebred running horses and the establishment of health initiatives for the poor in developing countries.
Did not agree with the descriptions of his lifestyle As luxurious, despite traveling in their own private jets, having their own luxury yacht, having a private island in the Caribbean and moving among a variety of homes, including Aiglemont, an extensive property north of Paris that became the headquarters of your development network and a training center for your horses.
“The role and responsibility of a magnet,” he said in a speech in 2006, “ interpret faith for the community And also do everything you can to improve the quality and safety of your daily life. ”
Although it did not inherit any kingdom like other hereditary rulers, AGA KHAN’s fortune was estimated between a thousand and 13 billion Dollars from investments, joint ventures, private luxury hotels, airlines, newspapers and a kind of chronic tithing known as Zakat, charged to their followers.
Unusually, the Khan aga, often translated as a mixture of Turkish and Persian that means commanderinherited his title from his grandfather, the Khan III aga, who ignored your other descendants to name the grandson as his successor.
In taking leadership as the 49th Ismaelite Muslim magnet, he took the reins of a Shiite Muslim line that claimed the descent of the prophet Muhammad and imposed him what he considered to be responsibilities Claras, nota o now.