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For Trump, there is no charity: he wants a currency of exchange for militarily helping Ukraine-he turns to the rare lands, estimated in euros in the European country.
United States President Donald Trump announced on Monday that he wants Ukraine to provide the United States the so-called rare lands as a currency for financially supporting the country’s war efforts against Russia.
“We are telling Ukraine that it has very valuable rare minerals“Says Trump, quoted by. “We are trying to make a according to Ukraine where they will guarantee what we are giving them with their rare minerals and other things. ”
It refers to uranium, lithium and titanium, abundant aros minerals in the country. Rare lands are a group of metals used to manufacture iMans that turn energy into motion to electric vehiclesmobile phones, wind turbines and other electronic devices.
According to the US, the reserves of these minerals in Ukraine are evaluated in various bilions of euros.
Deep down, the US wants a “warranty” and obtain a “equalization“Says Trump, and the story is not new.
Already in December last year, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had reunited with the White House, as the. The goal was to negotiate a possible exchange coin for military aid in the fight against Russia, and acquisition of licenses to explore these mineralseither directly and through partnerships with pre-existing licenses.
But the speed at which agreements are being made is compromised precisely by the military conflict. And the US has a major competitor to the Ukrainian lithium reserves-Russia, which has already taken over several, and is now approaching an important reserve in the Donetsk region.