The choice of the new leader of the world’s Ismaelite community will fall on one of the three men’s children: Hussain, Rahim and Aly
The successor of Aga Khan, who died on Tuesday in Lisbon at the age of 88, is appointed by his own will, opening 24 hours after the death of the Prince of Ismaelites.
The choice of the new leader of the world’s Ismaelite community will fall on one of the three men’s children: Hussain, Rahim and Aly.
Hussain Aga Khan was born in Geneva (Switzerland) in 1974, and presides over the Agência Khan Executive Committee for Habitat (Akah), where he is mainly dedicated to reducing disaster risk and emergency management in Central Asia, Pakistan and India .
It is also part of the Administration of the Aga Khan Fund for Culture (AKTC), dedicated to the built environment and the restoration of cultural heritage and is part of the AKDN Committee for the environment and climate, which works on environmental issues and the impact of climate change .
As a wildlife photographer, he has participated in various expeditions and devotes most of his time to underwater photography.
He is the founder of ‘Focused on Nature’, an organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of threatened and endangered species, and the efforts to conserve habitats.
Hussain Aga Khan graduated from the Williams College in Massachusetts, with a Bachelor of Arts.
In 2004, he obtained a master’s degree in International Relations from the Columbia School of Public and International Relations, having as its main area of study economic and political development, with regional focus in the Middle East and North Africa.
Rahim Aga Khan is the eldest son of Shah Karim al Hussainini, Prince Aga Khan, 49th Hereditary Imam of the Ismaelite Muslims.
He was born in 1971 and graduated in 1995 at Brown University (USA) with a bachelor’s degree in comparative literature, before completing an Executive Development Program in Management and Administration at the Iese Business School at the University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain.
It is actively involved in the management of the AGA Khan network for development for over 20 years, in which it has been part of various organs. He is chairman of the Executive Committee of the Economic Development Fund (AKFED) and supervises the institution’s annual budget planning cycle.
Rahim Aga Khan also presides over the environment and climate committee, which leads the network’s work on environmental protection and mitigating the effects of climate change, including a commitment to ensure that global network operations reach zero liquid emissions of carbon until 2030.
He lives in Geneva, and has two children, Irfan and Sinan.
Aly Muhammad Aga Khan is the youngest son of the Ismaelite community leader. He was born in 2000 in Paris and studied at Harvard University (USA), where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in arts and government last year.
This year’s headquarters of the Aga Khan Foundation in Geneva, where he works in projects in Asia and Africa to catalyze entrepreneurship, employability and skills in emerging sectors such as digital and green economies.
He is also responsible for the coordination of new Foundation initiatives in Germany.