You can turn your nights and wake up with more energy and disposition
Sleeping well is essential for physical and mental health, but many people face difficulties to have a night’s sleep night.
If you wake up tired, spend the night rolling in bed or just can’t rest as you would like, this text is for you!
6 tips for improving the quality of your sleep simply
1. Establish a sleep routine
For starters, it is important that you understand that the human body loves routine.
Creating a fixed time to sleep and wake up helps regulate the biological clock by facilitating the process of falling asleep and awakening.
Even on weekends, try to maintain this consistency. Over time, you will notice that you will wake up naturally without the clock.
2. Create a comfortable environment
Sleep quality is directly linked to the environment in which you sleep.
Invest in a mattress and pillows suitable for your biotype, keep the room dark, silent and with a pleasant temperature (between 18 ° C and 22 ° C).
3. Avoid screens before bed
Blue light emitted by cell phones, tablets and TVs can interfere with melatonin production, sleep hormone.
So try to disconnect at least 1 hour before bedtime.
How about replacing the phone with a relaxing book or music?
4. Beware of food
What you eat before bed can directly impact the quality of your sleep.
Avoid heavy meals, caffeine and alcohol at night.
Opt for light and soothing foods, such as chamomile or warm milk, which help relax.
5. Practice physical exercises
The regular practice of physical activity contributes to a deeper and repairing sleep.
However, avoid intense exercises near bedtime, as they can leave the body agitated.
The ideal is to move during the day or early evening.
6. Manage stress and anxiety
Accelerated concerns and thoughts are great sleep enemies.
Relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing or even write down your concerns in a diary can help calm your mind and prepare it for rest.
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