The price of the chestnut can, in Sena Madureira, suffered a new increase recently, being at $ 120. This is due to competition between entrepreneurs operating in the region.
At the beginning of the purchase, the can cost only $ 50. However, over the months, there were several increases until reaching this level. “This is good because it values our producers. In our case, we are buying any quantities that arrive. In addition, in some situations, we will still get the product, ”said Tassiano Macedo businessman.
Sena Madureira is one of the municipalities of Acre that extracts the most nuts/Photo: Contilnet
Another important detail is that, in the future, this price can increase even more. However, there is no definite date for this and it depends a lot on the businessmen’s performance.
Sena Madureira is one of the municipalities of Acre who extracts the most nuts. This product is exported to other states and even outside Brazil.