António Pedro Santos / Lusa
Nor was the contact with the police center after Odair was shot twice by the PSP agent. Emergency was only activated almost 4 minutes and 18 seconds after the Cape Verdean fell to the floor.
The video surveillance images reveal that, among the moment Odair Moniz began to resist the detention and the moment when it fell to the ground, only 43 seconds passed.
In this short period, the Cape Verdean was pushed twice, and shot with two fatal shots. Odair will have returned with a kick and punch to agent Bruno Pinto, who shot him, who at dawn killed the 43 -year -old cook.
Odair Moniz was already on the floor after being shot, but Neither Bruno Pinto nor his colleague with whom he patrolled that night they called the emergency services to help the man the agent had just hit mortally.
Only 4 minutes and 18 seconds later is another agent, who arrived at the scene as a reinforcement, called 112. In the interrogation this agent read that he asked the patrols “if contact had already been made to the emergency medical means, and the same was replied.”
In addition, agent Bruno Pinto claims that he reported the incident to the PSP center, but there are no records that confirm this communication before 5:35 am. The first call confirmed to 112 was made only at 5:35: 31, and INEM only gave top priority to the case one minute later. The emergency medical vehicle was activated at 5:39 and arrived at 5:50 am, ie 19 minutes after the shots.
The investigation thus points to the possibility of omission of assistancea crime that is foreseen in Portuguese law, which applies to situations where a person, in the face of an urgent need for help, refuses to provide or promote help.
In the prosecution order, the prosecutor accuses Bruno Pinto of homicide: he says the agent was aware that the shots could result in Odair Moniz’s death and that he still did not hesitate to shots.
The second agent, with only one year of experience, was not a defendant, but because he did not provide assistance, he is also being kept under the eye of the MP.
Witnesses at the scene reported to what the emergency means took longer than normal to arrive. In a video released on social networks, you can see Odair Moniz extended to the floor, surrounded by the police, while several people comment the seriousness of the situation. It is possible to hear witnesses to question if Odair was still breathing and contesting the action of the agents.
The pre-hospital emergency technicians union considers that VMER’s response time was within normal standards.
Bruno Pinto never did form with a gun
The PSP agent who shot Odair Moniz at Cova da Moura Never did any training Related to firearms, in addition to what he attended in the course of agents, in 2022. The information is contained in the process that Lusa consulted and was sent by the PSP Human Resources Center to the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DIAP) Lisbon.
In December last year, the PSP informed the prosecutor that the agent now accused of the crime of homicide never attended any firearm -related training course.
In addition to this information, the prosecutor also wanted to know when the agent Entered the careerhaving the PSP replied that it was in November 2022. The police concerned began attending the agent training course in December 2021 and ended in September 2022, as stated in the process consulted.
The PSP also sent the last shooting sheet of the agent who shot Odair Moniz, which reveals that the last shooting exercises were done in the context of the agent training course, at the Police Practice School, in Torres Novas, in September 2022.