Lula defends regular Big Techs and criticizes Musk – 02/06/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The president (PT) defended the regulation of digital platforms on Thursday (6), in an interview with radios, and criticized the interference of the entrepreneur in elections in other countries, without referring to the owner of X (former Twitter) and da.

Speaking about it, Lula stated that it is necessary to “regulate this so -called digital press”.

“It is not possible that, in a written press, the citizen is punished if he spoke a silly and, in digital, has no law, the guys think they can do whatever they want, encourage death, encourage promiscuity, and has nothing to Punish, “said the president.

Currently, deleting content to hold technology companies by third party content published on their platforms. Exceptions are cases of non -consented nudity or violation of intellectual property.

Lula said Congress “has responsibility and will have to put it [big techs] to regulate. If not, the Supreme Court will have to regulate, because it is necessary to moralize. “

“Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, but freedom of expression do not use these media for canalhice, to provoke, to lie every holy day,” he said in an interview with Bahia’s metropolis and society radios.

In two moments, he made an indirect reference to Musk. In one of them, when talking about the election of Donald Trump, in the United States. The entrepreneur is one of the most influential members of the new management.

The petista stated that democracy must be respected, but “what can not be that we think a businessman can own the world’s communication and can speak ill of the world all the time, getting into the elections of countries.”

Then, when talking about Big Techs, he said that “it is not possible for a citizen to think he can interfere with China’s culture, Russia’s culture, Venezuela culture, Argentina culture, and that he can enter anywhere And talk what he wants. “

As Sheet It has shown to regulate digital platforms and define companies’ responsibility for the content published on the networks.

The proposal establishes criteria for the removal of posts that violate existing laws and to combat discourses of hate and mass disinformation.

Conversations about this text have begun in recent weeks, in the wake of the crisis about the Pix and the decision to make content controls flexible on its platforms, such as OEO. In the first two years of office, the government tried to approve in Congress a proposal on the subject, the Fake News PL, but failed.

The new project under study provides that the platforms are subjected to a precautionary duty, similar to the European model of the “duty of care”, with the attribution of removing content considered criminal, without the need for court decision. It would be up to the government to oversee the general compliance with the rules by companies.


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