Kamila Součková
6. 2. 2025
2 minutes
One of my friend uses potatoes as a so -called cat. Who does not know KPZ – this is an abbreviation for the expression box of the last rescue. They can conjure up a long range of meals for lunch, dinner and a small snack.
Yes, we know that potatoes are offered as a very easily prepared main course that will feed well. But how to prepare them to remove them from the oven more crispy and tastier than ever? Just one single ingredient and you have ready tasty food without spending hours in the kitchen.
But how do you cope with the potatoes are not “dreamed”?
Watch an eight -minute video to prepare baked potatoes here on the YouTube channel America’s Test Kitchen.
Source: YouTube
Quick preparation is an advantage
As for potatoes in terms of preparation of quickie with absolutely minimal requirement for your time, then the potatoes baked in the oven are obvious. To make them crunchy and tastier, you need to get rid of moisture in them. Now let’s talk about it.
The procedure
Book the oven at 220 degrees Celsius. Wash a few potatoes, depending on how many people you will prepare a quick -center. Don’t peel them. Pierce each potato a few times around the perimeter with a fork. Pour a little water into the bowl, about half the cup, and add 2 teaspoons of salt. It creates a solution of water with salt, stir until the salt dissolves, it does not last long, do not worry. Then soak the whole potatoes in a bowl around.
For complete perfection, it is entirely desirable that you have a sieve that you place on a baking pan and place the potatoes on this sieve. True, not everyone has such equipment, so to facilitate it is sufficient to place the potatoes on a grid, which is usually part of every oven.
In this case, unload the lower part of the oven with aluminum foil. So you can get the salt solution dripping at the potatoes, we know that the oven from the burned food is not pleasant. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour until the potatoes are soft from the inside.
Salt in solution is the ingredient that not only creates a crispy crust on potatoes, but also gives them a great taste. So, when the misery is in need, as my friend says, so prepared baked potatoes are rich enough to ignite hunger. There is no need to add butter, or sour cream when you don’t have at home. They taste great as they are.
Source: www.express.co.uk