Mum thought she had a plain rash on her face, she was shocked: if you find something like that, seek help immediately!

by Andrea

A woman named Stephanie Warkotsch Si was mistaken for a serious symptom of a minor rash disease, which made up to 30 stitches after removing it after removing it. Turned out to have not been an ordinary pimple but o A skin cyst that gradually increased. . A woman called on people to They immediately sought help if they find something special on their faces.

30-year-old Stephanie you in October 2024 for the first time noticed a strange pimple on the left cheek after visiting the new beauty salon. A double mom tried to remove it with a face mask and a cold compress but did not disappear at all and Instead, it has increased.

Later she visited a doctor who prescribed three doses of antibiotics. However, after weeks of taking The size of the rash doubled and caused an unbearable pulsating pain. “I couldn’t to sleep properly because I wasn’t allowed to lie on the left side of my face at all“she said.

Doctors had to surgically remove it

The doctor later sent Stephanie to an ultrasound that showed that This is a deep -rooted beginning of the sebaceous cyst. This condition, which is usually harmless, causes slow -growing bumps under the skin of their Most often you can find on your face.

After an urgent visit to a private skin clinic, doctors proposed urgent removal of the cyst. 12 November 2024 Therefore, she underwent a 30-minute intervention in which the surgeons managed to successfully select the cyst. However, a problem was that she needed up to 30 stitches to sew. “I thought they were going to extract, not cut off. They assured me that they would remove it and watch the natural line of wrinkles and smile. See your face After the procedure was a shock but now I feel better because the scar diminishes“she noted.

Although it was initially shocked by the size of the scar, Stephanie claims that he is slowly healing. “I am glad to have ordered for the procedure within a few days because The pain and sleepless nights were as a single mother to me as demanding. When I first saw my face after surgery, I was just crying. I thought the scar would stay for my life, but he was slowly healing. At the clinic me informed how I can take care of the wound“Mum added.


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