PEC of semi -presentialism gains impulse with Hugo Motta in the Chamber

by Andrea

Deputy Luiz Carlos Hauly (Somos-PR) brought together the minimum number of 171 signatures so that the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) of semi-presentialism is filed in the House. The number of subscriptions has increased substantially after the new president of the House, Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), defending the parliamentary model in an interview on Monday, 3. Hauly said she will file PEC when she reaches the support of 300 deputies, to “Show strength.” The proposal had 178 adhesions until yesterday afternoon.

Semi-presentialism is a model of government in which the President of the Republic divides power with a prime minister, elected by the National Congress-a kind of “half-term” between the current presidentialism of Brazil and parliamentarism.

PEC of semi -presentialism gains impulse with Hugo Motta in the Chamber

Hauly’s proposal would give the Premier the ability to define the government plan and budget control, as well as empowering the House, which could vote alone motions of trust and censorship. By PEC, the President of the Republic is the Chief of Staff and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, but there is also the Prime Minister, who is the head of government.


As the Estadão column showed, the discussion gains strength at a time of conflict between the three powers about the execution of the Union Budget. In recent years, especially during the presidency of Arthur Lira (PP-AL) in the House, parliamentarians still won More power over the destination of amendments, which weakened the executive. But this resource distribution model has been questioned by Minister Flávio Dino of the Supreme Court (STF).

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Lira also defended, in her mandate, the adoption of semi -presidentialism and even created a working group to discuss the issue. The change of government system has already been fostered by former President Michel Temer (MDB) and has the sympathy of authorities of the judiciary’s summit. The president of the Supreme, Luís Roberto Barroso, said last year that semi -presentialism could be “a form of stabilization for democracy.” More recently, in late January, Minister Gilmar Mendes also defended the model.

HaULY intensified an open campaign among parliamentarians on the day of the definition of the new House commander, when PEC gathered 134 signatures. There were 13 more signatures until the afternoon of Tuesday, 4. In less than 24 hours later, 31 parliamentarians supported the proposal, reaching 178 signatures.

Motta defended the adoption of the parliamentary model in Brazil with an implementation to be done in the long run. “The discussion about parliamentarism must exist in Congress, but not for 2026. The discussion is necessary for a period, even for the population to understand. We already have this model in several countries, in Europe. Brazil is unable to discuss this in the long run, ”he said.

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According to the text presented, the prime minister would be appointed by the President of the Republic after consulting members of the Congress over 35 years. He could formulate a government program, to exercise the superior direction of the Federal Administration, to indicate the Ministers of State, to issue decrees, to have the management of the budget, to provide and extinguish federal public positions, among other functions.

The Premier would need to attend monthly and mandatory to Congress to report on the execution of the government program or to expose matters of relevance to the country, under penalty of crime of liability. It can be fired if your government program is rejected, if the vote of confidence is not approved by the House or if this same house takes advantage of censorship, defined by an absolute majority. The motion of censorship can be made after six months of the prime minister’s inauguration, at the initiative of a fifth of parliamentarians.

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In this new model, the President of the Republic would gain the power to dissolve the House of Representatives in the event of a serious political and institutional crisis and to extraordinarily convene Congress. He maintains the ability to appoint ministers of the Supreme and other higher courts, the heads of diplomatic mission, the president and the directors of the Central Bank, the Attorney General and the Attorney General of the Union. or veto Congress projects.

Matters related to the Armed Forces and War and Peace issues are also with the president, as well as awards, pardon or grace. The president can delegate duties to the prime minister. Hauly calls the proposition of “PEC independence of the Brazilian Parliament, after 136 years of imperial presidentialism”. “In the best democracies, parliament and executive act together to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and political stability,” he said.


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For approval, PEC would need to advance the Chamber’s Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ) and then go through a special committee. After approval in this collegiate, the matter goes to the plenary, where it needs an approval of 3/5, that is, 308 of the 513 deputies, in two shifts. In the Senate, the PEC goes again for analysis at the CCJ and, later, to the Plenary, where it would need the favorable vote of 49 of the 81 senators. The processing of a PEC generally takes a long time until approval in both houses.

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