The Liberal Party (PL) is considering asking the project to vote that amnesty involved on January 8, 2023 will take place directly in the plenary of the House of Representatives. This will depend, however, on the support that can gather around the proposal.
The leader of the PL in the house, Gostenes Cavalcante (RJ), and told the CNN On Wednesday (5) being “advancing”, although there is no date perspective: next week will not be. “
Today there is no guarantee of entry on the agenda or approval in the plenary. , Which never had members or functioning.
The new mayor, Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), has been claiming that projects will need to have a minimum consensus of the majority and have not committed to the theme so far.
The project was chosen as the priority of the bench of federal deputies of PL to 2025.
However, the uncertainty around approval can cause other projects to gain priority on the party’s agenda. For example, the proposal that changes Clean Record Law rules-if approved in the current molds could decrease the ineligibility time of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL).