The Federal University of Acre (UFAC), through the Dean of Undergraduate (Program), opened this week the registration in residual vacancies in several undergraduate courses in the Campus of Rio Branco and Cruzeiro do Sul, in the interior of the state. Interested parties can apply until February 10, through the website provided by the institution to apply for the 406 available vacancies.
Registration for 406 residual vacancies in various UFAC undergraduate courses are open. Photo: Reproduction
Apt candidates must be studying in other higher education institutions (HEIs), national or foreign, or at the institution itself, whether from Rio Branco or the interior campus. In addition, holders of a higher level diploma can also compete, observing the order of priority by modality.
In the act of request it is necessary to fill in the registration form through the link http://sistemas.ufac.br/residuals; present official identification document and CPF, readable; School history of the course in which the candidate is currently
enrolled; among others.
The residual vacancies of undergraduate courses are due to the dismissal of students due to, jubilation, death, dropout, transfers to other HEIs, internal relocation, repayments and remnants that are not filled in the selection process of primary entry.