The Government and the Canary Islands agree the criteria to transfer 4,500 migrants | Spain

by Andrea

but the teams of the Government of the Canary Islands and the Ministry of Youth and Childhood celebrate to have agreed on something. The Minister Sira Rego and the Canarian President, Fernando Clavijo, have announced on Thursday that they finalize the formula with which they will try to distribute some 4,400 unaccompanied foreign minors that are overwhelmed in the archipelago and in Ceuta. For the cast, criteria such as the population, per capita income and the number of migrant minors received today and in recent years will be applied.

The formula is a mixture of the proposal that the canaries agreed with the PNV at the end of last year and the criteria that have been applied since 2022 in other extraordinary distributors much less numerous, such as the one that last summer served as an excuse to Vox For the calculations they are not yet made and there are missing adjustments, according to sources from both parties, but, if this formula is applied, it is likely that communities such as the Basque Country and Catalonia will remain out of the cast or receive a very small number of children . The exclusion of these two territories is a support for Junts and PNV .

In the case of Catalonia, the data handled by the Ministry of Childhood reveal that this community already has about 4,000 reception places for minors, 24% of all Spain, so it would have more than a thousand beds above what that would correspond to him. The Basque Country, with almost 1,500 beds, would also be doing a 500 -seat envelope. Both the Ministry of Childhood and the Canarian government have denied that their agreement contemplates the exclusion of these two communities of the cast. What they recognize is that by applying these “objectives” criteria and without even knowing the calculations that the projections will throw, they are likely to be required a minor effort. This circumstance can also occur in other places such as the Balearic Islands, which has been very tensioning for arrivals from Algeria for months.

Far from closing the, this agreement is a small step in a negotiation that still needs adjustments and that, above all, has to count on the support of parliamentary groups. Once the PP and Vox have been discarded, the negotiators will have to convince Catalan independentists and the PNV not to repeat the failed attempt to change the foreigner law so as not to limit themselves to specific transfers and turn them into structural ones. The Government now expects the analysis of the State Advocacy to see if it is possible to approve this extraordinary distribution via Royal Decree Law, which could give immediate green light in the Council of Ministers and try to validate it later in Congress. What nobody seems to have doubts is that if you finally go ahead, the PP communities will go to the Constitutional Court to knock the initiative. Party sources have criticized the agreement even before knowing their details: “This asymmetric and unfair cast model will not have our support in any case. It uses political criteria for a cast as if the Basque Country and Catalonia were not Spain. ”


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