André Ventura “is with his head lost”

by Andrea
André Ventura “is with his head lost”

Tiago Petinga / Lusa

André Ventura “is with his head lost”

André Ventura, President of Arri

Miguel Arruda, José Paulo Sousa, Pardal Ribeiro – and Nuno Afonso warns that there are more serious cases within the arrival, only the leader “pretends to know”.

O He arrives is going through a period particularly complicated, in the last days.

(now) not registered, was constituted argued for being accused of stealing bags in two airports.

José Paulo Sousa, deputy of arrives at the Regional Assembly of the Azores, was caught in an operation Stop with 2.25 g/l of alcohol in the blood; which constitutes a crime.

Deputy of arrives at the Municipal Assembly of Lisbon, is accused of two crimes of prostitution of minors.

But There are still more problems within the arrival, warns Nuno Afonso. In an interview with, the founder of the arrival said that he warned André Ventura that some party members were involved in serious cases, but the party leader “pretended”.

An example appointed by Nuno Afonso was that of the deputy Bruno Nunes, who is even president of one of the parliamentary committees of the Assembly of the Republic: he was involved in scenes of violence Physics with a party employee – who has been fired.

And, according to Nuno Afonso, there are mayors of the arrival with a history of domestic violence – And André Ventura knows, guarantees the founder of the party.

“Lost Head”

All of this is making André Ventura walk “lost head”, analyzed Paulo Ferreira.

The commentator says the arrival is now the “Prove of the poison itself” And, from the case Miguel Arruda, “it is perfectly realized that Ventura walks a little lost head“.

The conversation last week with journalists “is not normal” – when Ventura said that journalists should report to police that there were stolen bags in Parliament – and now the reaction to the Case Pardal Ribeiro – who is condemned – confirms the disorientation. of the deputy.

It is already in that phase when the facts bother you so much, and it’s so hard to find exits…“Paulo Ferreira continued, who sees in the Case Pardal Ribeiro, of the alleged prostitution of minors, a “Until -finger on the wound”.

And André Ventura has shown that “It does not believe in the rule of law, went to seek past cases that were resolved by the court”remembering the Casa Pia process and when launching suspicions about people who were acquitted: “The PS protected their own during the Casa Pia process. The PS tried to condition justice, destroy it and maniest it, ”said Ventura on.

Alexandra Machado follows this thought: “To Ventura, there is never a presumption of innocence when they are the others. Ventura makes his own judgment on the matters, ”as if the decision of justice were not relevant.

Also on the radio, the political commentator leaves a suggestion to the arrival leader: “Clean the party before cleaning Portugal.”

“It is not possible to know everything, but you have to know how to make choices; The responsibility of choosing leaders is a leader. And when Ventura is enough and arrives is Ventura, it puts more responsibility in the leader for the choices it makes. André Ventura has to explain the choices he makes, ”he said.

In a “strange and serious” panorama for the arrival leader, there is a very visible strategy: Don’t be silent. “And for your electorate, that’s what’s up. If it were now to vows, it would not be much harmed. ”

Bruno Vieira Amaral agrees and adds that there are supporters of the arrival that already have a thesis: What matters most is the way the arrival reacts to casesThis is more important than the cases themselves.

Alexandra Machado also thinks that, from now on, André Ventura will (again) try to divert attention to talk more about corruption. “The arrival just has no cases of corruption because it is not in power,” he warns.

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