Frosting is a great way to preserve the structure, taste and color of the food, and can also help in planning a weekly menu, preventing waste. Unfortunately, many of us keep food in the freezer for too long, threatening their health.
Freshing is a great way to store food. It helps you save money through planning ahead. It also helps to reduce the amount of thrown food if you put them in the freezer before they go wrong. Properly frozen foods will be suitable for consumption even after a long time, although after a certain date their taste and structure may worsen and in this case it is better not to eat.
What is the right time and temperature of food storage in the freezer?
The storage time of frozen food varies depending on the type of food and the type of freezer you have. The freezers have a star rating that indicates how long it is possible to store food safely. You should check the star rating as well as instructions on the frozen food packaging. This will help you determine how long you can store packed frozen foods in the freezer. You should also remember that freezers should work at -18 ° C.
How long can frozen bread be stored?
Frozen bread and pastry, such as cakes, can be stored for up to 3 months until they start to lose quality. When freezing bread, follow these advice. Make sure you store it in an airtight container suitable for the freezer or in the original packaging. Bread directly from the bakery in the store is often open or wrapped in paper or thin foil that prevent good freezing of bread. When freezing, replace them with closable pockets or plastic freezing packaging. If you freeze your own baked bread, allow it to cool before freezing to prevent it from soaking or mold.
How long to freeze meat or fish? Loses fruit on quality?
In general, raw fish should be consumed within 4 months of freezing. After this time, their quality begins to deteriorate, although they should be safe for consumption even after this date. Many people also freeze raw meat. The best way to freeze the minced meat is to lay it on a flat and not round. As a result, the minced meat is freezing and thawed evenly. Keep it in the freezer for a maximum of 2 to 3 months.
What about the fruit? The fruit may freeze for approximately 8 months. If they have not been open, they can last longer. Their durability also depends on the date of the minimum durability at the time of freezing, the method of preparation and storage.
You will forget the ice on the ice on the freezer walls. Wrap this product into them