The Bible teaches that faith is certainty of what is not seen, and also states that without it, it is impossible to please God. Psychologist Nayanna Dam knows well.
For years he waited to know his future husband. While waiting, he wrote letters to him. The messages were delivered to the altar, on the wedding day with the real estate broker Hoang Dam, in 2024. He lives in the United States and she in Brazil and the two await the release of documents to finally live together, as reported to the Evangelical Blog.
“As a Christian, I always believed in the idea of dating to marry. From the end of the last promising relationship until I met my husband was seven years of waiting.
I am funny to have excellent examples of blessed marriages in my family. The dream of marriage has always been part of my life. Especially when I understood that the construction of the family was part of God’s purpose for humanity, and it included me.
Once, still in my teens, I asked a church colleague: ‘So, is it cool to be married?’ She answered me, ‘It depends on who you marry,’ I heard. I realized that ‘marrying’ was not enough, I needed to marry the right person for me.
So I started a waiting journey for those I called Háde (will come). I sought to align my heart to discern the time and the right person, starting with me. I wanted to be the right person too.
I sought to live my call, I did a lot of volunteer work, went to many schools and missionary travel in the backlands, in the communities and also in some other countries.
I did not expect with cross arms, waited by living what the Lord had for me in every season, even with some stumbling.
I confess that in a few days none of this was enough to reduce the lack. And it was these days that I started writing for my future husband.
I wrote letters telling him about what I was living, thoughts, feelings, frustrations, fears and expectations. There were many letters, written in the best and the worst moments of my life. I wrote on funeral days, and also on festive days, such as the release of my first book or at my brother’s wedding.
For me, this was better than simply responding to the guys’ direts that I clearly saw a future.
The idea of keeping me for marriage was not only about the body, but also about my heart and my feelings. I wanted to deliver my best.
In waiting time, we were directed to a virtual meeting. The day he first saw my picture, he said he knew I would be God’s person to his life. He took the initiative and sent me a very intentional message. Thus we begin our first contact, and, pala grace of God, for the next 10 days we had confirmations about each other, just like our families.
He is Vietnamese and I am Brazilian, but we both speak in English, and this is our official communication language. His family immigrated to the United States when he was 9 years old, so they also speak in English.
My parents are still learning, so I still need to translate the conversation between them.
As soon as we got married, we got the spouse visa, and at this time we are waiting for approval so I can travel.
I believe God communicates with His children. First, through the Bible and then by the Holy Spirit. I believe he speaks during prayer time, dreams, visions and even through other children – through the gift of revelation.
Because it is a distance relationship, the time required to approve my visa, and all the confirmations we received, we decided to get married soon, so we could finally stay together more ‘quickly’.
Between the engagement and the wedding was three months. I took care of all the bureaucracies to be able to marry in civil here in Brazil, which was quite stressful for the requirements made by the fact that he is a foreigner.
We prepared the party and planned the honeymoon. Hoang was a very participatory groom in the choices. I felt absurdly accomplished, I was a very happy bride.
All the details were thought and prayed with love and gratitude to God. My father, who is a pastor, celebrated our union and blessed us.
For health and work reasons he cannot live here in Brazil. And I am still waiting for the process of my visa to be approved, which is scheduled for the second half of this year.
Hoang manages to come to Brazil every two months and is three weeks to a month with me.
I can’t wait to have our corner, decorate, prepare our home, and the most anticipated of everything, sleep and wake up every day with my husband by my side.
It has been a mix of emotions, I am seeking to live one day at a time. Although we have constant contact every day and we are very grateful over the internet, no technology can replace the “eye to eye.”
My challenge today is to keep the heart so as not to murmur. What helps me is to seek to enjoy the presence of my parents, family and friends, because soon they will be the reason for my longing.
To be able to deal with excess anxiety, I count on my psychologist, which has been critical to helping me regulate emotions and prepare for the next seasons.
Since when I waited, I already received messages from women saying that I encouraged them to stay firmly waiting. I feel fulfilled to be God’s instrument to build the faith of these women. In the context we live, believing in love is a revolutionary act, as it is to have faith.
If we follow Christ, it is impossible not to believe in love. If the enemy of our souls is working to destroy families, our mission clearly becomes reconstruct them. “
Reading Tip: “The Run of Faith” by Trillia J. Newbell
Comparing the Christian life to a race full of obstacles, the author reveals how faith is the main resource for facing challenges and disappointments. Based on biblical principles, the book inspires the reader to deepen communion with God through spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, and study of the word. When using the ex-athlete experience, he makes analogies about resistance and overcoming.