Former PT President, you may submit an application with a more left-wing profile for the party’s command, in an election scheduled for July. He would have the support of the left -winged current, although not formally linked to the group.
Falcão commanded the party in two periods (1993-94 and 2011-17), and his candidacy would be a critical voice to moderate or pro-market measures closed by the current government.
At the end of last year, he was one of the only three deputies to
Principal leader of the leftist joint, Valter Pomar says the wing will have a candidate for party president, but avoid saying it will be Falcon.
“We consider it very important that there are several applications. And we find it very good that Rui is a candidate too,” he says. The current will decide its candidate at a congress between 14 and 16 March.
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