The deadline for the new cycle of the Catalisa ICT Day was extended to the new cycle of Catalisa ICT, a program of Sebrae that aims to transform research with potential for innovation into impact solutions for society. The announcement is aimed at masters and doctors, with research completed or in progress, and who participate from the first cycle of the program.
About 2,000 research with innovation potential will be selected, support up to 300 innovation plans and up to 150 Deeptechs will be served. Over the course of 24 months, participants will have training, mentoring, connection events and, in subsequent steps, will be promoted to develop their research on practical solutions.
The action is promoted by Sebrae in partnership with various entities of the National Innovation Ecosystem with the objective of accelerating innovative technology -based businesses, as well as promoting approximation between universities and market.
O Catalis It uses the principles of open innovation to connect people and organizations in order to generate solutions, open markets and expand knowledge exchange between companies, governments, educational institutions and other players of the Brazilian innovation ecosystem.
There are four lines of action: Catalisa Hub, Catalisa Corp, Catalisa ICT and Catalisa Gov. Among the advantages of catalisa for participants are: access to collective intelligence to solve problems; Reduction of costs, time and risks of your innovation projects; and development of new business from technology -based research.
For more information and subscribe to the program, go. If you have any questions, please contact us by email: