A Malay decided to put his tough look to surrender and launched a business where he stages fights with men who want to impress his girlfriends.
A Malay businessman found a creative way to capitalize on his tough appearance, offering a unique service of “rental villain”, Which allows customers to make a hero ahead of their partners.
Shazali Sulaiman, 28, recently gained great attention on social networks after launching their unusual business, which offers customers the opportunity to show your masculinity “Defending” his companions of an staged confrontation.
Sulaiman, who often hears that he resembles a gang member, has decided to embrace his intimidating look and turn him into a lucrative business. On January 8, he presented the service on the internet, stating: “You are tired of seeing Your partner think it’s weak? For a reasonable rate, I can help you prove it is wrong. ”
For a fixed price, Sulaiman makes an appointment in a designated place where she pretends to harass the customer’s girlfriend. The customer then has the opportunity to intervene and “Defend” the loved oneproving your strength and courage.
The entrepreneur even played with his villain persona, publishing a photograph of hers with his disarmed hair and a faded cigarette, reinforcing his image of Durão.
Sulaiman’s “Rental Villain” service has a price of 100 Ringgit (about 21.70 euros) during the week and 150 Ringgit (32.62 euros) on weekends, with additional costs for locations outside city. The service is available to men and women and he has tested it with friends and family.
A remarkable case involved an incident staged in a shopping center, where a man hired Sulaiman to “Harassing” your girlfriend While he was in the bathroom. When he returned, the man confronted Sulaiman, playing the role of protective hero.
Despite its popularity, the concept raised concerns of legal and ethical, in particular as regards potential accusations of sexual harassment or a disturbance of public order, especially given that harassed women do not know that it is all a staging.
In Malaysia, individuals guilty of sexual harassment may have to pay compensation for emotional or financial damage, and a disorder -like public behavior can give rise to fines or even the prison penalty.
There are also those who criticize the feat for reinforcing stereotypes that associate masculinity with physical violence and a possessive attitude around women.
In response to criticism, Sulaiman assured the public that his service is a mere staged entertainment, such as the professional wrestling. “It’s all a staging, like WWE. No one gets hurt, I’m the only ‘loser ‘“, clarified.