Proposal by Julia Zanatta (PL-SC) states that there is no need to intermediate brokers or other institutions
The federal deputy (PL-SC) created a bill to protect the right of self-confidence of virtual assets. This is the text (PDF – 153 kb).
The project states that all citizens may be entitled to directly custody virtual assets, regardless of nature, technology, programability or form of emission. There is no need to intermediate brokers or other institutions.
The text nullifies any measure that prevents the transfer of virtual assets to the user’s own auto -confusology portfolios.
The deputy argues that auto -confusing is an essential right to “Ensure direct control to individuals on their own digital goods” without the need for intermediaries.
Zanatta said, in justification for the project, that the text has back the right to property, free enterprise and economic freedom, privacy and protection of personal data and inviolability and digital records, covering digital assets.
“Recent regulatory proposals in Brazil threaten this right. The Central Bank, through public consultation number 111, proposed Article 76-F, which prohibits virtual asset service providers from making transfers to non-resident self-custom portfolios. This restriction has been criticized by experts in the area“, These.