A residence was invaded twice the same night in Rio Branco. In the first occurrence, the homeless man, Marcos Vinícius de Oliveira Souza, 26, was assaulted after breaking into a house located at the intersection of the Alvorada and Colonel Alexandrino streets, in the Bosque neighborhood.
According to police information, Marcos Vinícius entered the residence with the intention of committing a theft. However, while still inside the property, the owners arrived, noticed something strange and asked for help from neighbors and popular, who quickly surrounded the house to contain the invader.
He was immobilized and assaulted, suffering bruises on the head, back and face, plus a small cut below the eyes/photo: Contilnet
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In an attempt to escape the blatant and possible aggression, the man broke the lining and tiles of the property and jumped to the backyard of the house, where several people were already waiting for it with wooden slats. It was immobilized and assaulted, suffering bruises on the head, back and face, as well as a small cut below the eyes.
After the aggression, popular fired the Military Police of the 1st Battalion, which sent a vehicle to the scene. The military gave the suspect a voice of arrest, who was taken to the Rio Branco Emergency Room for medical evaluation. After being released, he was sent to the Flagrant Police Station (Defla), where appropriate measures would be taken.
However, upon returning home after registering the police report against Marcos Vinícius, the property owner realized that his residence had been stolen again. In a quick check, he found that a washing machine had been taken.
The owner of the house, who is a martial arts fighter, sought information with neighbors and popular who could have passed with the appliance. In a short time, they gathered and went in search of the suspect.
The 32 -year -old homeless resident Cleilson Ferreira da Silva was found with the washing machine near a restaurant on Silvestre Coelho Street, still in the Bosque neighborhood. Disgusted by the second invasion, popular assaulted Cleilson before calling the PM car and handing it to the police.
According to the accused, he was also arrested/Photo: Contilnet
To avoid new theft, the victim reinforced the security of the house and left someone reliable taking care of the property before going to the Flagrant Police Station to register a second police report, this time against Cleilson.
Before being sent to the police station, Cleilson was taken to the emergency room for medical care, as he had a cut in the eyebrow and bruises on his body.