Rui Tavares is the leader of the most consensual opposition among the Portuguese. The least popular is Ventura

by Andrea
The opposition leader that the Portuguese like the most is Rui Tavares. The least popular is Ventura

ZAP // RTPPT / Flickr // Manuel de Almeida / Lusa

Rui Tavares is the leader of the most consensual opposition among the Portuguese. The least popular is Ventura

All opposition politicians downloaded the note in the Portuguese evaluation, less one. Men like more bliss than women, and the opposite happens to Mariana Mortágua.

A poll carried out by the barometer to the over the opposition He revealed that 42% of the Portuguese say they have worsened their opinion about the leader of arrives last month. 49% add that the party leader should be replaced in the lead, a percentage that makes him the less popular opposition leader among the Portuguese, with 49% of the population to consider that it should be removed from office.

Among the arrival of arrival, it is approved by 87% for the position it serves. Among Portuguese men, the leader also adds a positive balance. However, For 77% of women, André Ventura has a negative note.

Also PS leader Pedro Nuno Santos and CDU leader Paulo Raimundo respect, respectively 47% and 46% of negative notes.

As for Pedro Nuno, the leader of the socialists adds the most advantage among the elderly population and the residents in Lisbon. 7 out of 10 socialists would keep it in power.

As to Positive notesonly Mariana Mortágua (BE), Inês Sousa Real (PAN), Rui Rocha (IL) and Rui Tavares (free) have more than 50% of “tastes”.

But all opposition leaders recorded a descent into the confidence of the Portuguese, except for one, who maintained public opinion – Rui Tavaresfree manager. The politician is the most appreciated by the Portuguese, with a positive balance of 70%having only 17% of the Portuguese pointed out that they would like to be removed from the leadership.

Already Mariana Mortágua, as she depended on men would be removed from the leadership of the party. However, women would keep her in officeand the bloc voters also see no reason to remove it from the management.

Nonetheless, the case about the dismissal of newly available newborn in the party worsened the Portuguese’s public opinion on the Left Bloc, whose decrease to the bottom of the table (3.1%), just surpassing the PAN (considering only parties with parliamentary seat).

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