Slovaks abroad also joined the anti -government protests: Compatriots met in Prague, New York and Stockholm

by Andrea

In Prague on Václav Havel Square Hundreds of people gathered in front of the Czech National Theater to chant to resign, informs the newsletter TASR. The Prague Assembly, which first moved from the traditional place ahead of the Slovak Embassy in the district of Bubeneč to the center, is organized by the Association of Slovak natives Prague Café.

In their words, the aim is to express support for democratic Slovakia. They were joined by the Student Forum of Slovaks Abroad, who started the event by march from Jan Palach Square in front of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Karlova to Piazzette of the National Theater, where the protest subsequently began.

Students pointed out the deteriorating conditions for the life of their peers in Slovakia. According to them, the government has been ignoring the problems of the young generation for a long time and increasing offensive rhetoric against it. As a result, Slovakia is currently one of the countries with the highest number of students abroad, they said. Every fifth university student will prefer a foreign university before studying at home. Many of these students who will experience the quality of life abroad will no longer return to Slovakia, warned Student forum.

The well -known people spoke to people through the video Czech Catholic priest Tomáš Halík. He stressed that he felt a serious moral duty to comment on events in Slovakia, since He spent most of his life as a Czechoslovak and worked closely with Slovak Christian dissent during normalization.

“At this time – certainly for the benefit of the Czech Republic – the emigration of educated and capable Slovaks and Slovaks is growing to our cities. We want them to feel good here, they are among us. But we also appreciate the fact that they have not ceased to be interested in the fate of Slovakia and express their support with us with the support of the struggle of the democratic opposition in Slovakia, said Halik and added that He receives vulgar e-mails from the Slovak Government’s supporters, in which he was threatened by killing.

At the end of the protest he spoke Chairman of the Association of Prague Café Andrej Probst, who urged to stop the spread of violence, hatred and lies. According to him, the communities of Slovaks who are activated abroad. More and more compatriots are interested in helping Slovakia, yet everyone who is in Slovakia has someone known abroad. Therefore, let us connect, communicate together, encourage and send signals to all regions of Slovakia that they are not alone, said Probst.

Assembly against the steps of the current government and in support of the democratic direction of Slovakia took place on Friday in more than 50 Slovak and foreign cities. In addition to Prague or Brno, Slovak natives also protested in Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Krakow, London, Luxembourg or Newbridge, New York, Paris and Stockholm.


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