No more scrubbing hours and expensive cleaning agents! Ordinary apple peels that end up in the basket every day hide incredible power. This old grandmother’s trick turns your dirty oven into a glowing novelty in an incredible 30 minutes. Don’t you believe? See for yourself!

The miraculous power of nature in your kitchen

Every day we spend hundreds of crowns for aggressive cleaning products. We have a real treasure right under our nose! Apple peel contains rare malic acid, which is a miracle in the fight against grease and burns. This natural substance not only dissolves even the most durable impurities, but also acts as a natural disinfectant and bleaching agent. Your oven will not only be clean, but also gets a natural shine without using a single drop of chemistry.

Step by step to a perfectly clean oven

Forget the clock and back pain. Everyone can do this simple trick. First, peel a few apples and spread the skin evenly on a clean sheet. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius and place the plate with the skin. After thirty minutes, remove the oven and allow to cool naturally. Subsequently, it is sufficient to gently wipe the inside of the oven with a damp cloth and watch the greasy stains and burns literally dissolve in front of your eyes.

Other natural wonders for your oven

If you don’t have apple peel on hand, don’t hang your head! Nature offers us many alternatives. For example, try lemon juice mixed with water. Just put a refractory container with a liter of water and four lemons in the oven. After twenty minutes at 150 degrees Celsius you will be amazed by the result. Grapefruit or orange is equally effective. For extra strong pollution, a mixture of apple cider vinegar with water in a 1: 1 ratio, which you spray on problem areas, has proven to be worth.

Tips for the perfect result

Always use fresh apples for maximum effect. Old or dried skin will not have such a strong effect. Leave the oven open after each cleaning to ventilate naturally. And remember – regular cleaning is the key to the long life of your oven. With this natural trick, its maintenance will be a toy!

Do you throw out the apples? This is a big mistake. They will come in handy for tedious household work