Police in connection with Friday’s tragic fire of the pension in Sobrania have initiated a criminal prosecution for the crime of a general threat of negligence. A 66-year-old man lost his life in the fire. Jana Mésarová, a spokeswoman for the Regional Directorate of the Police Force in Košice, informed TASR, at the time of the fire there were 16 guests in the building and three domestic people who were evacuated.
“The necessary procedural acts are currently carried out. Circumstances, the exact cause of the fire, as well as the overall extent of material damage are subject to investigation“the spokeswoman added, adding that the exact cause of the man’s death will be determined by an autopsy.
The fire broke out around 4.30 HV guesthouse on Spa Street, members of the Fire and Rescue Corps (HaZZ) destroyed it after about three hours of firefighting work. The damage is preliminarily estimated at EUR 400 000.