The limescale will no longer destroy the washing machine, just pour it into her compartment

by Andrea

The biggest moth of all washing machine owners? That’s a limescale … How can you prevent it?

Limescale is a common part of tap water. If you have rather hard water in your region, then you have to count on your care for appliances must be more thorough. Why? “Hard water contains a large amount of minerals such as magnesium and calcium. When it warms up to a higher temperature – for example when cooking or washing – minerals begin to settle on the surface of the appliances. If you leave it, your “household helpers” may start to destroy when they cease to be completely functional, “the expert explains.

Wiki How’s video author will advise you how to clean the washing machine using Octa. More on the channel

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Prevention is required

Among the most vulnerable appliance of the hard water parties is the washing machine, where the limescale is literally settled at light speed. So if you don’t want you to “leave” quickly, you need to think about prevention. “To avoid lining, it is a good idea to submit a cleaning program from time to time. There are plenty of washing machine cleaning products on the market, but you can do with the resources you have at home, ”says the expert and immediately names three of them…

Multifunctional vinegar

The vinegar was used as a washing machine cleaner already used by several previous generations and successfully! Its advantage is that it removes not only scale, but also any odor, which has accumulated in the appliance, for example, with mold. How to do it: Pour about 300 – 400 ml of ordinary table vinegar into an empty drum and run the longest work program with the highest possible temperature. Once the washing machine runs out, wipe it from the inside with a wet sponge to get rid of residual impurities.

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Soda meals

The procedure is the same as with the vinegar. The only difference is that you put two packs of baking soda into the drum. Run a long program again and watch the miraculous white powder cleanses your entire “arsenal” work from the inside. If you want to improve the cleansing effect, you can combine baking soda with vinegar.

Citric acid

You can also extract any deposits in the washing machine with citric acid. How to do it: Pour the contents of the bag into the washing powder tank and run the work program. If you want to strengthen citric acid, add vinegar again!

Alternative solutions…

If you do not insist on a natural solution, a washing tablet can also help you clean the washing machine. Just throw it into the drum and start the cycle at 90-95 ºC.


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