More than half a million people received one of the three supports for the most needy. – Only in 2011 Portugal reached this number. But there are fewer and fewer RSI beneficiaries.
Social insertion income (RSI), Solidarity Supplement for the elderly (CSI) and social provision for inclusion (PSI) are the three main social support for families with financial difficulties.
The average monthly amount of the three subsidies varies between the 152,61 e 375,65 euros. In all, They cost to the state 1.5 billion euros. In the last year, the state’s expense with these three supports rose 199 million euros.
Although PSI targets people with disabilities with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60%, it is accompanied by a complement that aims to combat poverty.
According to social security data to which it had access, there is more than half a million Portuguese to benefit Of one of the three supports, number only reached in 2011, during the period of the entrance of the troika in Portugal.
Even if we looked only at the RSI and the CSI, the trend would be increasing: 384 229 people received these two supports by 2024.
However, the RSI (Unlike the CSI, intended for the elderly, which has fired in the last decade) has recorded a is left over. Last year had 175 904 beneficiaries, the lowest number since 2006.
Eugénio Fonseca, who was part of the National Commission of Guaranteed Yield, now extinguished, tells JN that “The RSI don’t take anyone out of povertybut they serve to relieve the aggressiveness that poverty often has in very concrete situations. I consider that there should be greater proportionality in the distribution of these income, with more equitable public policies. ”
“Some of the measures, in particular the CSI, became more comprehensive And they allowed access to more people and the social situation itself justifies new factors of vulnerability, ”says economist Carlos Farinha Rodrigues.
The district that receives the most support is that of Porto. Flour Rodrigues says that in this zone there is more “very large predominance of more traditional sectors in economic terms that have lower wage levels”.