Average price of gasoline goes to R $ 6.35, the highest value in more than 2 years

by Andrea
Average price of gasoline goes to R $ 6.35, the highest value in more than 2 years

Who went to supply his vehicle this week found more expensive fuels than last.

The average price of Gasoline sold at the country’s posts, for example, was in R $ 6.35 the literR $ 0.15 more expensive than in the period between January 26 and February 1, according to data from National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels in Brazil (ANP).

With this, the average paid for the fuel reached the highest nominal value in more than two years, the highest since Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) took over the presidency.

The value is $ 0.05 higher than the.

The rate charged on the fuels was raised to:

  • Gasoline and ethanol: High from R $ 0.10 the liter, to R $ 1.47;
  • Diesel e biodiesel: R $ 0.06, to R $ 1.12.

In the case of diesel, the variation between the two weeks is even higher: R $ 0.28, reaching R $ 6.38 The average value of the fuel liter in Brazil.

In addition to the readjustment of ICMS, the price of diesel also suffered from one. This readjustment, however, was not directly to the consumer, but to distributors.

Variation by state


Looking at the price of gasoline per federative unit, nine of them recorded even higher ups than the national average.

They are Bahia, Tocantins, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Maranhão, Rondônia, Rio Grande do Norte and Federal District.

Already the most expensive liters of fuel were found in the states of Acre (R $ 7.49), Rondônia (R $ 7.19) and Roraima (R $ 7.02).


In the case of diesel, 10 UFS surpassed the national average: Pernambuco, Federal District, Maranhão, Espírito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Santa Catarina, Paraná and Mato Grosso.

The most expensive states this week were Acre (R $ 7.64), Roraima (R $ 7.08) and Pará (R $ 7.03).


In the country, ethanol was $ 0.08 more expensive, reaching $ 4.37 the liter. The stations with the highest fuel values ​​were located in Amapá (R $ 5.47), Rondônia (R $ 5.39) and Rio Grande do Norte (R $ 5.38).

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