Toilet is not a trash can, although many of us treat it so. Throwing inappropriate objects can lead to serious sewerage problems and even environmental pollution. Here is a list of things that should never go to the toilet bowl.


The first mistake, It is made by many people is throwing paper handkerchiefs. Although they may seem similar to toilet paper at first glance, they differ in their composition.

  • Paper handkerchiefs are made of material that does not dissolve in water, which can lead to clogging of the pipe.

Food residues

Another problem is ejecting food remnants, Especially liquid foods such as soups or stewed meals.

  • Fats in such foods can solidify in the pipeline and create a clogging that is difficult to remove.

Instead, it is good to collect food remnants into closed bags and throw them into mixed waste.

French fat

The same is true of frying fat. Its pouring into a toilet or sink is a serious mistake.

  • When the fat is mixed with water, it forms thick lumps that can block the drain.

The best solution is fat to cool, wipe with paper towels and throw away the trash. You can store larger quantities of oil in containers and hand over at special collection points.

Chewing gum

Problems can also cause inconspicuous chewing gums.

  • Although it seems small and harmless, it does not dissolve in the water. It can get stuck in the pipeline and over time toilet paper accumulates on it, leading to complete clogging of the outflow.

The medications to which the usefulness period has elapsed

Another serious mistake is the ejection of medicines with a pre -residential effect to the toilet.

  • The components dissolved in water can be infused into groundwater and endanger the environment.

Instead, take medicines for special collection points that take care of their safe disposal.


Chemicals may also be dangerous, such as bleach.

  • Their pouring into the toilet, although diluted, can lead to dangerous chemical reactions in the sewer system.
  • In extreme cases, toxic gases that pose a health risk may occur.

Layout for cats

Cat stain is also on the list of things that should not go to the toilet.

  • Although it may seem comfortable to spill it into the bowl, its weight and structure can lead to clogging.
  • Over time, the toilet paper accumulates in the pipe and creates a clogging that is difficult to remove.

A toilet is a place that should only be used for what it has been designed for. Throwing inappropriate objects can lead to costly repairs and damage to the environment. It is worth remembering it until you reach for something that shouldn’t belong there.

Forget chemicals and pushing. You can unblock what you always have at home