Average price of gasoline rose R $ 0.15 per liter, reaching R $ 6.35, the highest amount recorded since the beginning of the Lula administration; high should be reflected in inflation
The ones had a strong discharge at Brazilian posts in the first week after the increase in the AEO rate. According to the National Agency of Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (ANP), the average price of gasoline rose R $ 0.15 per liter, reaching R $ 6.35. This is the highest amount recorded since the beginning of the government Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, considering inflation. The increase was higher than expected, since the expected elevation with the state tax readjustment was $ 0.10 per liter. The tax went from R $ 1.3721 to R $ 1,4700 per liter. High interrupted two consecutive weeks of drop in gasoline prices.
Gasoline prices vary significantly across the country. The highest value was registered in Barueri (SP), at R $ 8.49 per liter, while the cheapest gasoline was found in (SP), R $ 5.26. In the state of São Paulo, the average was R $ 6.17 per liter. In Acre, the price reached R $ 7.49, being the highest among states.
Diesel also recorded a significant increase. The average price of the liter rose from $ 6.10 to $ 6.38, a adjustment of 4.59%. The fuel ICMS was readjusted at R $ 0.06, from R $ 1.0635 to R $ 1,1200 per liter. In addition, Petrobras raised the price of diesel to distributors, with adjustment of 6%, reaching R $ 3.72 per liter.
Despite the impact of taxation, other factors also influenced the increase in fuels. In the case of gasoline, prices passed on to stations came above than expected due to the rise of anhydrous ethanol, which makes up 27% of the mixture sold at the posts. Over the past two months, plants have increased the price of ethanol by more than R $ 0.30 per liter, according to data from the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics at USP (CEPEA/ESALQ).
The impact of fuel discharge should also be reflected in inflation. The Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA), which was already pressured by the increase in food, should be impacted in February with the costs of school supplies and the recomposition of the electricity tariff, which had a discount in January due to cost reduced from Itaipu.
Posted by Felipe Dantas
*Report produced with the aid of AI