Government publishes guidelines for BETS surveillance rates

by Andrea

Fees must be paid by the 10th of the month following the payment of the award; The rules begin to apply this Friday (7.FEV)

The Ministry of Finance has published a regulation that establishes guidelines for the collection of the inspection rate of fixed quota betting lotteries, the calls. The text was published in DOU (Official Gazette) this Friday (7.FEV) e. entered into force on the same day. Here’s (PDF -138 kb).

The regulation states that these companies must pay a government inspection fee, with the objective of funding the control and inspection of the sector. THE Payment will be according to the amounts of amounts intended for the coverage of costing and maintenance expenses of the Lottery Operating Agent.

The regulation is directed to all licensed companies to operate fixed quota bets. The inspection fee is calculated on companies’ revenue, discounting paid awards and IRRF (Source Retained Income Tax).

To pay the fee, companies must issue the Union Collection Guide) through the Pagtesouro website, A component of digital payment processing managed by the National Treasury Secretariat.

Payment can be made via Pix, credit card or bank slip, until the 10th of the month following the reference month. The guide must contain data such as name and CNPJ of the company, license number, reference month and rate value, which can be adjusted by discounts, fines or interest, if any.

Bets in Brazil

In October 2023 the Ministry of Finance the general conditions for commercial exploitation in the fixed quota sports betting market. The rules were published in Ordinance on Friday (27.out.2023), NO (Official Gazette of the Union).

According to the publication, the competition may participate in national or foreign companies, which are established in the national territory, and meet the legal requirements provided for in the sector laws. This is the Ordinance (PDF – 668 KB).

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