Registration for the Public Prosecution Service of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office (MPU) is open until 4 pm on February 27, in Brasilia time.
Registration for MPU contest is open until February 27th. Photo: Joel Rodrigues/Brasilia Agency
In all, there are 172 vacancies for technician and analyst positions, observing the validity period of 2 years of the event.
The initial remuneration for the position of Technician is R $ 8,529.65 and the analyst, R $ 13,994.78. The workday is 40 hours per week for both positions.
Of the total vacancies, 10% will be reserved for indigenous, quilombola, gypsy and traditional peoples/communities. And for black self -declared candidates (blacks and browns), 20% of vacancies in the selection process will be reserved.
The Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) will be the organizing board of the event.
To register, the interested party must access the.
The registration fee for the position of analyst is $ 120 and coach is $ 95.
Interested parties should complete the application with the Number of Individual Registration (CPF), then select the Federation Unit where you want to run for vacancy and where, necessarily, the evidence will also be applied in the capital or the Federal District.
The Union Collection Guide (GRU) regarding the registration fee will be automatically generated after submission of the registration application. And must be paid at any bank or by electronic means by February 28.
Only the exemption from the registration fee may apply for candidates registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), and bone marrow donors, with the presentation of the Voluntary Bone Marrow Donor Card (Redome).
The candidate who has his request for exemption rejected, needs to pay the registration fee within the period established in the notice to confirm the participation in the competition.
The objective and discursive tests for all positions of analyst and technician will be held on May 4. Candidates for analyst vacancies will take the tests from 8 am to 12:30 pm, according to the official time of Brasilia. For technician positions/specialties, candidates will take the tests from 15h to 19h30.
The ethnicity/race identification procedures that dispute a vacancy of the racial quotas, carried out by the heteroidentification newsstands, and the medical expertise to prove the condition of candidates with disabilities, will be made in the same city of application of objective and discursive tests.
The places of the objective and discursive tests will be disclosed in the.