Sykorka brings life to your garden and “chirp”. But believe that something more …
She’s beautiful to look at. It will captivate you with a yellow tummy and a blue or black head… But that’s not the main thing. You will just love the titmies just because they have a diet. “They feed mainly on caterpillars of different butterflies, but they also enjoy Music, Puklice, Beetles and other insects,” says the professional book. And by the way, do you know how much such a cogna grades eat caterpillars a day?
The author of the video, Jarmila Kačírková, will introduce you to tits living in the Czech Republic. More on the channel
Source: YouTube
If you have guessed 130 pieces, you’re right. But it is not because the bird is so voracious, but it gives a lot of food to its descendants. According to natural scientists, such young tits of cognac eat up to ¾ pounds of insects during nesting! And this is a proper portion… and so it’s no wonder that up to 47 % of the larvae of the apple wrapper will eat with their fellows. And this is good news, because this pest is known for attacking fruit trees, especially apple trees and pears. At hungry times, he takes gratitude with a walnut. Therefore, consider the tit and give it some extra reward. Maybe pour sunflower seeds into the feeder that literally loves.
A symbol of coming love
According to Ezoterička Vlasta from Prague, however, is not only a useful but also a magic bird. “It is a totem animal and symbolizes a shining future,” says Bruneta, adding that our ancestors had a lot of superstitions with this bird. One of them claimed that seeing the tit in the sky means an early arrival of love. No wonder all the free girls of Ptáček looked more than eager…
Inspiration for man
In fact, all of them were looking for all – even married lady – because it symbolized constant and happy love and it is never enough! Are you wondering why the tit is associated with love? According to historians, this is because Sykorka lives only for her partner. Together they build a nest in heights and from mud. Such cooperation and effort is perhaps only in a firm relationship.
Bird with the soul of the deceased
But as you can see, love and freedom was not the only symbol of the tread. Did you know, for example, that the ancient Greek believed that bruises were the materialized souls of the deceased? Therefore, the one who hurt this bird was publicly shamed and punished. Next time, when you see the Sykorka in the garden, believe it brings you only good news. If you don’t give you love, at least they’ll clean your garden from the pests. And that’s also happiness!