Argentines consume less milk than during the historic economic crisis of 2001

by Andrea
El Periódico2

Nestlé Argentina This week has stopped production in the province of Córdoba. His 189 employees were sent to their homes with the suggestion that a long vacation are taken. The media reported that the measure has to do with the Sales fall And a negative surplus of its star products, including chocolates but also cocoa with powdered milk and nesquick, chocolate milk that used to be a reference in the summers. The Argentine Milky Way threatens to retract in general. The leche of a beef country does not soften the throats as before. The cheese They chew less since the economic adjustment of the ultra -right is governed. The crisis in the sector is overwhelming. Dairy consumption is 32% lower than 2001, the year that the country was going through a historical crisis, and 29% lower than in 2015. Products buy 8.3% less than the worst year of pandemic, according to a report by the Argentine Agroindustrial Development Institute.

The language of the Argentines is stained in the liquid that secrete the breasts of the food cows of their young. Have “good milk” It is being a good person. “To journalism bad milk I tell you to stop looking for headlines that divide and dedicate themselves to informing without doing yellowish, “said the government of Javier Milei, months ago, at the time the criticisms worsened. The milk leaves its metaphors and more unusual allusions.

During the first year of the Milei era, which concluded with 117.8% inflationbut the cost of milk and its derivatives increased an average 200.9%. Throughout those 12 months There were 10,548 million literscompared to 11,404 million of the same period during the last year of the management of the unpopular Alberto Fernández.

Nutritional problems

The average annual consumption per capita was 168 liters, well below the 182 liters recommended by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and barely superior to the historical minimum reached in 1990, when 162 liters were reached. That decrease affects children more in a country where more than 60% of children under 14 are in a poverty situation. A good part of them feeds on the more than 40,000 popular dining rooms Especially distributed in the province of Buenos Aires. The government medium assists only to a part of these assistance centers with thousands of tons of powdered milk, which in supermarkets had a 29.7%contraction. The Food emergencyand the lack of soccer In children because of the limited milk intake, it has an effect on their bodies that has begun to become chronic: malnutrition, low size, overweight, especially in the strip between the age of six and nine. “The consumption of milk in the first three years of life is vital, but it is also for older adults who need the necessary calcium dose that reduces the risks of diseases such as osteoporosis“said Pablo Villano, of the Association of Small and Medium Lácteas Companies (APYMEL).

The nutritional parameters of the World Health Organization (WHO) As regards amounts of energy and nutrients that are needed for the body to remain healthy they are questioned in the present. Milei has resolved to abandon the organism in tune with the measure adopted by Donald Trump and claiming the supposed negative role he fulfilled during the pandemic. The ultra -rightist has especially denied a quarantine that knew how to defend in his days of television Tertullian.

More layoffs

The latest records of the Láctea Chain Observatory (Ocla) show similar numbers and others more alarming. Between January and November 2024 the Argentines bought a 51.1% less yogurts. Cheese sales fell to 22.7%.

In this context, one of the historical dairy companies announced days ago the dismissal of more than 300 people as a result of the fall in salesbackward wages and financial problems. Sancor has plants in the provinces of Santa Fe and Córdoba, both bordering with that of Buenos Aires, and which are a fundamental part of what is known as the dairy basin. This measure is part of a plan of restructuring destined to reduce costs and face a debt that amounts to approximately 2.5 billion pesos. The company had 4,000 employees and before the wave of layoffs it had 1,350. It has five floors although only three are operational.

Delive your thirst the best “prayed the television advertising of La Serenísima chocolate milk in 1981. The image presented the children that each tasted a bottle of a liter. That situation, typical of summer, is part of a remote past. The serene is currently a leading company, but its main medium -term objective is to export half of its production of its milk. Part of which they have stopped taking millions of Argentines in their country, between resignation and hope. A recent survey realizes that the ultra -right would obtain in the October parliamentary elections 40% of the votes if it deepens the decline in inflation.


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