The Brazilian operation of the Italian market Eataly It said on Sunday that the decision on the loss of brand in the country was given in a confidential arbitration process that is not definitive. As the Broadcast column showed, the unit in the country, located in Sao Paulo, was forced to remove the mentions related to the global brand after losing the arbitration dispute.
In a statement, the press office of the Brazilian franchise said that the merits of the decision that determined the removal of the brand will still be analyzed by the competent instances. “The company strictly follows the current legislation,” the text said.
According to the company, it was with the objective of “exclusive to enable mediation with two non -financial creditors, ensuring a structured and efficient negotiation,” says the group.
According to Eataly Brasilthe process does not impact company operations, contractual obligations, payment flows or commitments to suppliers and partners.
As the Broadcast column showed, Eataly Brazil is fighting in court against a dump action filed by the owner of the property, the CAOA Heritage.
“Eataly reaffirms its commitment to employees, suppliers and customers, ensuring the continuity of activities with responsibility and focus on sustainable business growth.”