Bakuchiol is a component of natural origin, it is obtained from the Psoralea Corylifoli plant. It has properties similar to retinol, not irritating the skin. By using cosmetics with this ingredient, we can regenerate, smooth and moisturize the skin. It also has anti -wrinkle effect.
This ingredient allows you to reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity. In addition, it flows into collagen production, which is necessary to ensure skin elasticity. Bakuchiol has anti -inflammatory and soothing effect, thanks to which It can be used by people with sensitive or acne skin. In addition, it aligns and brightens the skin tone, and above all it is better tolerated than retinol. In the case of retinol, we often need to build tolerance in small steps so as not to hurt ourselves, Bakuchiol is definitely more delicate for the skin.
Both of these ingredients have an anti -aging effectHowever, retinol is stronger and can bring better results in a shorter time. However, used inappropriate, among others Without prior preparation of the skin, it can cause irritation and peeling. Therefore, with sensitive skin, Bakuchiol will be a better option, it can also be used during pregnancy.
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Some ingredients should not be combined so as not to eliminate their properties, and not irritate the skin. Bakuchiol must not be combined with:
- Retinolem,
- kwasami aha/bha.
Instead It can be used with hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and vitamin C. This ingredient can most often be found in creams and cheese, it can be used in the morning and evening – unless the cosmetic manufacturer recommends differently.
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Unlike retinol, Bakuchiol does not interact with the sun and It does not sensitize the skin to the sun’s rays. However, this does not mean that we should give up SPF. In the morning it is worth applying a cream with a filter, because the sun accelerates the aging process, but if we forget about it once and we use bakuchiol, the complexion should not be irritated. The sun can also eliminate the effects of creams with this ingredient, so the effects will not be visible.