Scientists are building the definitive Atlas of the vagina. The goal is to study the vaginal microbiome in populations around the world – without discrimination – to realize how this one can differ in different people.
Scientists are trying to trace a complete map of the vagina – that catalog the diversity of microorganisms that live in it.
These microbes are known collectively as the microbioma vaginal and include bacteria, fungi and simple organisms called archaeaalong with viruses – though, as the viruses reminds not technically “alive”.
Changes in the abundance of these microbes, especially bacteria, have been associated with various health problems, including pregnancy complications, such as premature birth; chronic diseases (such as a); and infections, including urinary tract infections (ITU) and human papillomavirus (HPV).
The relationship between the vaginal microbiome and these conditions is not yet fully understood.
However, a new map that is being built on the sidelines of an investigation this Thursday in Trends in Microbiology Leave us closer to that.
Scientists explain that the effort of mapping becomes complicated by the fact that the investigation to the long decades has largely focused only on countries with high income – which has distorted the results in relation to certain populations.
“More research on the functions and diversity of vaginal microbiota is urgently necessary in different parts of the world. We are still realizing which bacteria can be considered pathogenic and which are the most protective, ”wrote the researchers, quoted by Live Science.
With a better understanding of the vaginal microbiome, scientists could find ways to treat diseases directly and indirectly related to the female genital organ. This understanding will come with the Big vagina map.