In a week of public exhibition, and unhealthy the diplomatic testing that dreamed of a cunning silence before.
Head of state, climbed the stage with the posture of a schoolmaster. The dollar went up because it left a trap.
The next research will measure the effectiveness of this old marquetting.
Previ board companions, the pension fund, are complaining why the Court of Auditors decided to audit their transactions.
These things like this happen when a fund had and the government entered the second half of the president’s term.
In the first half, when everything was roses, companion João Vaccari, former PT treasurer, was a powerful voice at the institution.
Trump won a
You may have said a lot of bullshit in recent days. The idea of turning the gaza track into a riviera was exemplary.
Even so, he got one. He growled, and Panama.
It did Brazil well that didn’t even enter.
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