It is a soup that fits for everyday dinner and for a family celebration or party. When to salt the broth to make it perfect? It turned out that adding this component at the wrong time can spoil the whole meal.

How is the broth prepare? It seems like a simple task, but nothing can be further from the truth. Properly prepared broth is essential, full of taste and smell. Not everyone knows that the key to the perfect broth is the moment you add salt to it. This must be done in the right phase, otherwise the food will come out without taste.

When should the broth be salted? Hold on the iron rule of 10 minutes

Salt highlights and strengthens the taste while making food more pronounced. Unfortunately, some people make a cardinal error in the preparation of broth and add salt at the beginning of cooking broth.

It doesn’t matter if you cook poultry, beef or vegetarian version.

  • Remember that the soup should be salted 10 minutes before the end of the cooking.

Cooking takes a long time and adding salt in the last phase with vegetables and meat “give up” full of taste. If you add it too early, the taste will not be so intense.

How to save a cloudy broth? This is how you regain clarity

The cloudy broth is a terror of many novice chefs. What can you do to restore his clarity? It turns out that in this case is a useful potato.

  • All you have to do is throw the potato cut in half and cook for 30 minutes, and the broth will be perfectly clear.
  • If you do not have a potato at hand, you can throw half of the tomato or a few cloves.

The broth is still cloudy? Granny has a golden medicine