Temperatures in Rio de Janeiro and Bahia can reach 40 ° C; Inmet issues heavy rain alert in the North and Midwest
A new wave of heat will reach the Southeast and Northeast regions of Brazil from Wednesday (12.FEV.2025). According to several states can record temperatures around the 40°C until February 18th.
In the Southeast, the atmospheric high pressure system and the lack of passage from a cold front causes the temperature to remain higher. In Rio de Janeiro and northwestern Minas Gerais thermometers can mark up to 40 ° C. Already in Vitória the temperature is up to 38 ° C. In São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, the expectation is up to 35 ° C.
In the south, the high in temperatures began on February 2 and should remain until Wednesday (12.FEV). The phenomenon is related to the lack of rainfall in Argentina and the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul. In Greater Porto Alegre, the heat can reach 40 ° C. There is a possibility that the record of 43.8 ° C, registered in Quaraí (RS), be broken.
With intense heat, Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology) issued a warning of heavy rainfall in much of Brazil; in states like São Paulo and the entire Northern Region. Meanwhile, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo have no rain forecast until at least February 24 or 25, after weakening the high pressure system.