They will be proliferating illegal houses in the Algarve, in particular, prefabricated wood, implanted on rustic land, fearing that only in the municipality of Loulé, according to the municipality itself, there can be more than seven hundred (!) Of them, a municipality that threatens Now demolish them.
The problem underlying such proliferation is understood.
However, it will always be able to ask:
Such houses are from owners making them simple citadin stress refuges, allowing them to have a country life at the weekend, ecological or, in a region where there is no lack of bad work and often poorly paid, from people who cannot rent or Buying a mere T1, such prohibitive prices that the Real Estate Park in the Algarve has been presenting, another alternative has not resorted to them to resort to them to have a ceiling under which to shelter?
Onde se espera que poderá arranjar casa a mão-de-obra imigrante de que o Algarve se diz tão necessitado e quer trazer para a região?
It was not necessary a crystal ball to guess that a whole set of policies to attract wealthy foreigners to the country, whether through visas Gold or of tax benefits granted (and – now – that even shocked governments such as Sweden, where many of them came, such as injustice that in these benefits were seen!) to all real estate speculation. However, that policies dignify of this name, governments and/or municipalities, were in parallel, put into practice to counteract this expected speculation, in order to ensure a condition of those who needed and wealthy it was not?
None, it was whistled, yes, to the side, even more as it was not lacking “enlightened” to foresee to the region, as a Trump would say, wonderful days for everyone, as a result of the wealthy in the region, so, so arrival, leaving the restaurants to serve cheap meals of sausages and eggs to serve favors food gourmet And your employees to take the pockets full of rich bonuses at the end of the day!
Now, as these “wonderful” days have not reached, at least to the majority of the population, we are now in a hurry and the good Lusitanian way, a “disruption” for the housing problem, even if it is using any new Soil law made to hammer!
However, it is intended to demolish the illegal houses referred to above, which will happen to those who, to the lack of better alternative, made its housing, not a simple weekend ecological refuge?
And now, where is it expected to get home the immigrant labor that the Algarve says he is so needy and wants to bring to the region?
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