Fruits that often appear in the cuisine of South American and Central American countries are planes. Properly prepared, they are not only extremely tasty, but also provide the body with a lot of valuable nutrients.
Planty is a variety of bananas, which differs from popular sweet fruit in both taste and use in the kitchen. They are larger, have harder skin and contain less sugar, making them great as a component of dry dishes. Depending on the degree of maturity, they can be fried, cooked, baked or grilled. In many tropical countries, they are a basic element of diet, replacing potatoes or rice. In the next paragraph we will answer the question, are Planty healthy?
Planty is an extremely valuable component of the diet, rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. They are a great source potassium, which supports the proper functioning of the heart and regulates blood pressure, as well as magnesium, necessary for the health of the nervous system and muscles. Thanks to high content iron can support the fight against anemia. They are also distinguished by the presence B vitamins that affect the metabolism and condition of the skin.
Plantany They have a relatively low glycemic index compared to ordinary bananaswhich means that they can be consumed by people who care about stable blood sugar levels. They are easily digestible and well tolerated by the digestive system, especially in cooked or roasted form. Their naturally high concentration of antioxidants helps fight free radicals and slows down the aging process. Including Plantans in the diet is a simple way to diversify the menu and provide the body with valuable nutrients.
You are wondering Can Planty be eaten raw? Much depends on the degree of their maturity. Green Plantans are hard, starchy and have a slightly tart taste, which is why they are rarely consumed without thermal treatment. Most often they are cooked, frying, baking or grilling, which makes them softer and sweet.
Mature, yellow or black planans are much sweeter and more delicate in consistency, so they can be eaten raw. Their taste then resembles classic bananas, although they are still less juicy. To avoid digestive problems, it is worth remembering that raw plantans contain more resistant starch, which can be more difficult to digest for some people.
Plantans are extremely versatile and used in the kitchens of many countries, especially in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Green and immature are rich in starch, which is why they are often prepared from them chips, pies, puree or adds to soups and stews as a substitute for potatoes. You can cook, fry (be sure to check the recipe for), bake or grill.
Mature, yellow and black plantany become soft and sweeter, which is why they work great in desserts, cocktails and pastries. They can be caramelized, adding to cakes or eating raw. In many countries, they are fried in deep oil, obtaining sweet, crunchy snacks. Planty is also a popular ingredient breakfast and dinner dishes, often served with meat, fish or sauces.
What dishes can you conjure up from plane trees? Below you will find some suggestions.
Plantan bread
This is a gluten -free alternative to traditional bread. All you need is a kilo of green platans, a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of coconut sugar, a teaspoon of baking powder and a spoon of apple cider vinegar. Peel the plantanas, cut and blend with the other ingredients. Transfer the mass to the mold and bake at 200 ° C for about an hour until the stick stuck in the middle is dry.
Plantan chips
A crunchy snack for the film. You need 2 green plantanas, frying oil, salt and favorite spices. Peel the plantany and cut into thin slices. Fry in hot oil for a minute, drain on a paper towel and season.
Carmelized Plantans
A sweet snack with an exotic taste. Prepare 4 yellow plantanas, 100 g brown sugar, half orange juice, 60 ml coconut oil and 100 ml of red wine. Fry the chopped plants, add sugar, juice and wine. Simmer for 20 minutes until they absorb the aromatic sauce. Serve warm.