Kamila Součková
10. 2. 2025
4 minutes
Seventeen thousand crowns. At least you get so much for Vinyl’s album do not give a liet! Since the Slovak performer Richard Müller from 1992. And most importantly – if you own it at all.
Not only antiques and postage stamps roll the rare goods market. Did you know that some Elpages are worth an older car? For those who are willing to pay even an incredible 25 thousand crowns for a rare piece, it is a condition for the board to be in perfect condition. This means not scratched. Good condition also applies to its packaging. There is direct proportionality – the better the condition, the higher the value.
The first vinyl album was created 76 years ago and it was a revolutionary hit. Check out the reportage of Czech Television:
Source: YouTube
Quality of plates
The laymen may not know it, but professionals to evaluate the quality of LP boards use a 5 -degree quality scale, where the five is the worst. So, like grading at school. We mean in the Czech school, for example, in the Russian, they have the opposite, and when a pupil or student gets the number one, it is forfeiture. The quality scale of the boards is marked with letters. Here we go back to another country, this time to England.
A new album that no one has ever discarded is evaluated by the letter M as “Mint” and means “brand new”. Right behind him is the degree of “Near Mint” with the abbreviation NM, we translate as “almost new”. In practice, this means that the gramophone board is without fingerprints, does not crack while playing and is not dusty, just like new. We will not be bored by the breakdown of other shortcuts, perhaps it is obvious where we are heading – the rarer, for example from a limited edition, and the better the quality, the better the evaluation and thus a higher value.
Don’t have these boards at home?
We have explored the price of some rare pieces from the Czech music scene and bring a list of three of them on which you could get on. Such Karel Kryl – Brother closes the door (exile, 80.) Sold last year on the portal Aukro.cz for 8200 crowns. At the beginning of the mentioned Elpice Richard Müller does not give the Liet! (1992) sold at the same auction server in 2019 for 17600 crowns. And for Hammel / Hladík / Varga – Swan Piesne from 1993 from the Publishing House Monitor did not hesitate to draw a straight 25000 crowns. What do you say?
Where to sell and how to find out the price
We have already mentioned the auction server aukro.cz. It belongs to the Poles, but the advantage is that you avoid paying customs, ie if you are the buyer. The postage price is also for a few tens of crowns. Plus this server guarantees your purchase by returning money. It offers two options to buy or sell goods. Either there is an immediate purchase using the “Buy now” button, or you can bid at the auction. The settings depend on the seller. Aukro is especially suitable for Czech titles.
If you want to start a search internationally, then Discogs.com can be a good choice. On this portal it is teeming with all possible types of music carriers from all over the world. Unfortunately, here you can be disappointed with the price of transport. If you manage to catch something at a prima price from Japan, it may easily happen that the transport will be more expensive than the caught piece. There is also a customs office that not only stems your duty, but you will also chase the shipment for all devils for several weeks. Therefore, buyers with selling often agree to mark the shipment as a gift that does not do.
By the way, do you know why we call the vinyl record in our country? Let’s find the origin in the English abbreviation LP, ie Long Play.
Source: www.modrovous.cz