This bouquet will bring you happiness, and another is a sign that something very bad is happening. Check the importance of flowers and see if your partner cares about you

by Andrea
This bouquet will bring you happiness, and another is a sign that something very bad is happening. Check the importance of flowers and see if your partner cares about you

Which flowers bring happiness and which mean unlucky?

The upcoming Valentine’s Day is the day when men give their women beautiful bouquets of flowers. Often these are roses that symbolize elegance, love and femininity in our tradition. . The hidden meaning of flowers accompanies us every day and almost everyone knows some superstitions associated with them. We know that there should be no bouquets with an even number of flowers (in the old days bouquets with an even number of flowers were reserved for funeral ceremonies), and that chrysanthemums are rather not the best idea for a Valentine’s bouquet. However, these are not the only superstitions about flowers. Many of them are associated with the number. Rather, bouquets with 4 flowers should not be given. This means misfortune and is a forecast of unlucky for the recipient. Bouquets with up to 15 flowers can also be picked up differently. In symbolism, they mean an apology and may mean that the partner has something behind his ears. If you want to confess to someone love, it will be best to give a single rose or a bouquet with 7 flowers. It means great attachment and sincere feeling.

Not only the number. Sometimes color is also unfortunate. Many people are of the opinion that red roses are reserved for their partner and should not be given to friends and parents. The red rose is a symbol of romantic love and desire. It is slightly different in the case of yellow rose. These mean platonic love. They can be handed as a symbol of the child’s friendship and love towards the parent. In the old days, yellow rose meant confession to betrayal and fraud. In turn, pink and tea roses mean admiration and thanks. They can be given as part of thanks or for people who have exceptional respect.


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