Cases 2025. The sun is one of the most powerful forces known to mankind. Different cultures have revealed over time the star in the center of our solar system for its ability to support life, spreading constant rays and enveloping us. In astrology, it is believed that the sun amplifies vitality and energy, strengthening the power of any planet with which it forms a close conjunction. This alignment is known as cases, a term for the first time in the writings of the Hellenistic astrologer Ritorius, in the sixth or living century.
Astrologers frequently use the expression “planet in the heart of the sun” to refer to cases. This poetic expression comes from the Arab term Kammi, which means “as if in the heart.”
What is a case and how does it affect us?
A planet is considered in cases when it forms a close conjunction with the sun. But what exactly does “close” mean? According to medieval astrologers, a planet is in cases if it is near the sun, close to its center as seen from Earth. The energy effects of this astrological phenomenon can be felt a few hours before and after the exact conjunction.
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During a case, the qualities of the planet are purified, reinforced and intensely illuminated. Basically, the proximity to the sun strengthens the energy of the planet, transforming this moment into a favorable opportunity for all the features and areas of life that the planet governs.
For most planets, the case takes place once a year, when their orbit aligns with that of the Sun. However, for fast planets, such as Mercury, a case can occur several times a year. The moon has a monthly cases, just before and after the new moon, when it is perfectly aligned with the Sun.
If the planet in cases is also the governor of your solar sign, the month or your ascendant, you will especially feel this energy, having easier access to the opportunities offered by this phenomenon.
Types of cases
Because of our ordinary perception of the planets movements, we find two types of cases:
The lower conjunction – occurs when the planet is retrograde and passes between the sun and the earth during the case phase. This type brings tangible presence and personal revelations.
The upper conjunction-takes place when the planet is in direct movement, aligning with the sun on the opposite side of the earth. This encourages us to see the general context and to adopt a wider perspective on life.
Spring Karma brings important lessons about the balance between work and personal life. One sign recharge its batteries, another still pays karmic debts
Each cases brings lighting, new perspectives and the healing essence of the planet involved.
What cases will we have in 2025?
Each planet has a unique annual meeting with the sun. The moon is cases during each new month, encouraging new beginnings and planting the seeds of our desires.
Mercury, known for his rapid orbit, will have five cases in 2025, being the planet with the most such favorable alignments. Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptun and Pluto will have only one meeting with the Sun.
Mercury cases in 2025
Mercury is the cosmos messenger, bringing information and messages from each planet. During a mercury case, it is as if a torrent of messages and revelations would burst into our consciousness. This is an excellent moment for inspiration, generating ideas and connecting with inner wisdom.
During the retrograde phase, Mercury is positioned between Earth and the Sun, allowing us direct access to important information for personal life. When in direct movement (superior conjunction), Mercury gives us an extended perspective, encouraging us to see the overall image.
Mercury Case data in 2025:
February 9 – Mercury Cases in Aquarius
March 24 – Mercury retrograde cases in Aries
May 29 – Mercury Cases in Gemini
July 31 – Mercury retrograde cases in Leo
September 13 – Mercury Cases in Virgo
November 20 – Mercury retrograde cases in Scorpio
General symbolism
Mercury is the planet of communication, thinking, trade and decisions. When it enters the cases, our mind is clear, and communication acquires a great power. It is the ideal time for clarifications, negotiations and mental revelations. Mercury cases brings opportunities to solve complicated situations and make important decisions.
Astrological meanings:
The mind becomes sharper, and new ideas can easily flow.
It is the perfect time to write, negotiate, learn or communicate something important.
Revelations related to blocked projects or important messages that have not arrived at the destination may occur.
Communication with others becomes clearer and more efficient.
If you have encountered misunderstandings or blockages in communication, mercury in cases can bring clear solutions and help you express your thoughts with maximum impact.
Pluto cases in 2025
Pluto Cases is a moment of cosmic awakening and profound transformation, often associated with topics such as death and rebirth. The alignment with the Sun reveals the hidden layers of our psychic, illuminating the desires, fears and dynamics of inner power.
It is an opportunity to free ourselves from the old patterns and to reborn, stronger and more confident.
Given pluto cases in 2025
February 11, 2025: pluto cases in Aquarius
General symbolism
Pluto is the planet of transformation, power and rebirth. It is associated with symbolic death and rebirth, bringing processes of deep inner change. Pluto Cases are a moment of great power, when hidden truths come to the surface, and major transformations become inevitable.
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