Ranking of international transparency shows that country is in 107th position among 180 nations; NGO says Lula’s silence on the theme and imbroglio of amendments are setbacks
Brazil reached in 2024 its worst placement in the perception rate of corruption released this Thursday (11.FEV.2025) by. According to the NGO, the country is in 107th position in a ranking with 180 nations.
- which evaluates international transparency – The IPC or perception rate of corruption measures the impression of experts and entrepreneurs on the level of corruption in the public sector of each country. Notes are assigned on a scale from 0 to 100. The higher the note, the better the perception of integrity – the Brazil was 34. It is a compilation of opinions. For a survey with some degree of reliability, it would be necessary to make a strict assessment of the results of corruption investigations in each country, and the commitment and independence of the investigating. Read the report (PDF – 15.8 MB).
Brazil in the ranking compared to the result of 2023. The best result had been registered in 2012, the year when the historical series began, and in 2024 – Obteve 43 points and was 69 in the 2 years.
The 2024 index is led by Denmark (90 points), Finland (88), Singapore (84), New Zealand (83) and, tied with 81 points, Luxembourg, Norway and Switzerland. On the other side of the ranking are South Sudan (with 8 points), Somalia (9), Venezuela (10), Syria (12) and, tied with 13 points, Equatorial Guinea, Erythréia, Libya and Yemen.
“In 2024, Brazil once again failed to reverse the trajectory of the last years of dismantling the fight against corruption. On the contrary, what was seen was the advance of the state capture process by corruption. The main evidence that we are entering the advanced stage of this process becomes clear: the increasing and explicit presence of organized crime in state institutions, which goes hand in hand with corruption ”said Bruno Brandão, executive director of International Transparency-Brazil, in the document released by the NGO with the results of the survey.
Read on the graph below the full ranking or click (to reorder the columns, just click with the mouse cursor or finger if using a smartphone or tablet).
Advances and setbacks
The NGO listed the measures it considers relevant to public transparency and the fight against corruption in the “Retrospective Brazil 2024” report. The document also presents recommendations to the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary Powers, as well as the Public Prosecution Service.
For international transparency, the president’s silence (PT) about the anti -corruption agenda is one of the main factors that indicate a setback on the subject in the country. The NGO also cites as negative points:
- Renegotiation of leniency agreements to benefit companies involved in corruption, processes exposed to conflicts of interest, without transparency and without participation of the victims of the schemes;
- the stay in the position of the Minister of Communications, by the Federal Police for passive corruption, bid fraud and criminal organization;
- Resumption of influence on the government of entrepreneurs who confessed corruption schemes and remain unpunished, such as J&F brothers Joesley and Wesley Batista;
- Lack of transparency and conditions of social control in the new PAC;
- Decisions of the Supreme Court Minister Dias Toffoli with systemic and international impact of impunity and inertia of the Court to place PGR’s appeals against such decisions;
- Episodes of conflict of interest to magistrates, especially in judgments involving boards of lawyers of relatives and increasingly frequent events of judicial lobby;
- Institutionalization of large -scale corruption with persistence, loving and uncontrolled budget amendments, in frank insubordination to STF decisions;
- of the so -called PEC (Proposed Amendment to the Constitution) of amnesty to political parties that broke the minimum allocation of resources for candidates of women and black people.
Among the points highlighted by international transparency as positive for the fight against corruption are the recent decisions of STF Minister Flávio Dino on new rules to give transparency and allow the tracking of congressmen amendments.
The NGO lists too:
- Launch of the Integrity and Combating Corruption Plan 2025-2027 by the CGU (Comptroller General of the Union);
- The fact of a portal of transparency, even partial data on benefits and tax renunciations, one of the main advances for public transparency in recent years;
- Surveillance efforts resulted in the fall of deforestation and reducing the illegal exploitation of gold, as well as actions by the (national strategy to combat corruption and money laundering) advanced in instruments to combat environmental corruption;
- Investigations against judges corruption networks advance unprecedented, although still under the risk of obstructions to the investigation of members of higher courts.
Powerful research
Search Power Held from January 25 to 27, 2025 also pointed out that of Brazilians about corruption in the country. The survey showed that 45% of respondents estimate that there are more corruption cases in Brazil compared to January 2024. The rate 6 percentage points in 1 year. The group of those who say corruption decreased was 30% 1 year ago. Fell to 24%. Another 23% said that “It was the same” And 8% couldn’t answer.
The research was conducted by Powergroup company Power360 Journalismwith its own resources. The data were collected from January 25 to 27, 2025, through calls for mobile phones and fixed phones. In all, 2,500 interviews were conducted in 219 municipalities distributed through the 27 units of the Federation. The margin of error is 2 percentage points. The confidence interval is 95%. .
Government complaints
In 2024, members of the Lula administration the results presented in the 2023 corruption perception rate. That year, the survey published on January 30 showed Brazil with 36 points and 104th ranking with 180 countries. Read the report (PDF – 2 MB).
The national president of the PT, federal deputy (PR), in 2024 that international transparency has “Long trajectory of misinformation” and that the report on the Lula administration “It crossed the boundaries”. The then Minister of Secom (Secretariat of Social Communication), publication of the Minister of CGU (Comptroller General of the Union), Vinicius Carvalho, who questioned the methodology of ranking.
“Experts from around the world say, for over a decade that the corruption perception rate thermometer has problems. These criticisms need to be taken seriously and debated. An unregulated thermometer leads to wrong diagnoses ”, Wrote Vinicius Carvalho at the time.
Despite criticism of ranking corruption prepared by International Transparency, PEthis, the Plateau and the CGU already They used the same study to criticize (MDB) and (PL) governments. Remember below: