The new president of, Ana Maria Lima de Oliveira, sought last Thursday (6) to try to enable the care of Pra and her family, one of the priorities of her management in front of the board.
“The persecutions are transgenerational, surpass the person of the persecuted. They violated families, companions and companions, children who had to be born in exile, those who were arrested with their parents and many others who were deprived of the family because of the family Political persecution, “he says.
“We have a persecuted son that his mother was arrested when he was 4 years old. He only managed to talk about this whole process he lived now because of the movie ” ‘.”
Ana Maria says that the demand for this type of service is very high, especially in large cities, where access is easier. “THE [Sistema Único de Saúde] It already offers psychological treatment, especially after the pandemic, but for persecuted we didn’t have this line, “he says.
According to the committee’s chairman, director Sonia Barros of the Ministry’s Department of Mental Health, was sensitized and said she would think of a way to train the teams that are in health posts to deal with persecuted and their families.
“What I want is a state policy. I don’t want a government policy because government comes in, the government comes out, the policy ends. It’s the risk,” says Ana Maria.
The retired federal prosecutor also tries, with the help of the Ministry of Education, to explore in school curricula the history of dictatorships, within the concept of “education for non-reputation”.
“Those who graduated from 1964 do not know the history of Brazil. So it is necessary to train the teachers to train students. Because among young people are where the most who support the far right are located,” he says.
“We have to have memory, we have to be true, we have to have justice. It is impossible for those who violated remain decorated, receiving their promotions, while those who have been persecuted continue to suffer.”
Ana Maria claims to be looking for parliamentarians to get these policies off the role and also to make the amnesty caravans viable, in which the commission goes to states where there were violations of human rights.
“For example, we go to Sao Paulo. There we have many people who were persecuted. So if they are a trade union, we go to the union, to the university,” says the chairman of the committee.
She also states that collective reparations to persecuted groups, which are merely symbolic, will continue in their management. “Now is that they come with all the gas, right? Because groups start organizing to propose their processes,” he says.
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