Postcard: A Bleeding that worries | By Eduardo Costa

by Andrea
Postcard: A Bleeding that worries | By Eduardo Costa

Wins there (European country) in a month what I won here in three ”. Pays 20% tax and here would pay 45% ”a friend told me.

A grandfather, a jubilated, absolutely desperate professor, called me to ask for help in finding a compatible job for the son-in-law. “Go to London, and I will lose the company of my dear grandchildren …”

A father and grandmother spoke to me with tears in his eyes: his daughter had gone to France to work “And it took my boys”.

Postcard: A Bleeding that worries | By Eduardo Costa
Eduardo Costa
Journalist, President of the National Association of Regional Press (Anir)
A sangria de cérebros bem formados assusta! 70% dos universitários quer emigrar!

A mother told me that her daughter misses home and her mother cries her absence. But it already belongs to the English National Health System. “But if here they paid better she came to the family”. It didn’t even care about winning less. I just wanted to earn better.

A father said me, in a tone of relief, that The daughter “fortunately” arranged in Madrid and thus “is close.”

A godfather is sad because a dear goddaughter said that in principle he will emigrate with his boyfriend to a European country. “Here we can’t build a family.”

Years ago the Bishop of Porto He said essentially that he believed a lot in the future of our country, as Portugal was going to have the best formed generations in our history.

What we didn’t imagine was the young man who are already in universities with his head in a job abroad. Study a week ago reveals a frightening number: 70%! It’s a bleed!

The entrepreneurs are worried. And not exactly lack of work hand of ‘Factory Chão’, restoration employees and other professions of lower academic demand. Immigrants are fortunately solving.

But, well -trained brain bleeding scares!

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