Representatives of the opposition party SaS submits a complaint to the General Prosecutor’s Office (GP) of the Slovak Republic for fees collected by the Slovak Chamber of other healthcare professionals (SKIP). They argue that the Chamber collects registration and membership fees beyond the law. SaS also wants to submit a bill that would set the voluntary of registration and membership in health care organizations. They reported on the planned steps at a Tuesday press conference.
“The law says that registration in the chamber is regulated by the amount of EUR 13 and the registration of the register, the annual fee is regulated by a maximum amount of EUR 15. For this, however, those who are in the Slovak Chamber of other healthcare professionals, ie every speech therapist, treatment pedagogue, laboratory diagnostics and physicist must pay 85 euros for registration every year, Otherwise, they will not be issued a registration certificate and thus cannot carry out their profession, So they are placed before the choice – I will pay and I can work or I will not pay and I cannot continue to carry out my profession, “described MP Tomáš Szalay (SaS) the situation of fees in SKZP, saying that it described as the abuse of “weaker” people in health care. He also pointed out that the amount of registration fees in the chamber is higher than the members. In this context, he called for the review of the benefits of professional organizations in the health care system.
In addition to the introduction of voluntary fees in professional health organizations, liberals also want to initiate a bill to cancel the credit system of nursing education education.